Brugse Ommeland
The Brugge Ommeland unites channels and embankments, castles and abbeys, protective city views and monuments, historic farms and mills, green areas and nature reserves.
Cycle routes
The area is a very bike friendly region. In the bike node Brugge Ommeland, you can discover the region node by node. With the bike network maps (North and South) you can plot your own course exactly the way you want it.
You can enjoy almost 900 meters of biking fun at one of the most beautiful tourist regions of Flanders.
With the bike node map, bike a la carte is given an entirely new meaning!
Hiking routes
Hiking roads lead you away from the inhabited world. The Brugge Ommeland inspires. The area surprises and amazes.
Hiking network Bulskampveld puts the landscape dominated by forests and estates central. The formal heath area covers stretched conifer and deciduous forests and fields. Notwithstanding the Bulskampveld, the largest continuous forest area of West Flanders, you'll also find tons of open meadows where you can enjoy endless views.